Resources for you!
Here we share our tools with you that can help you fine tune your prime lamb operations. There are worksheets, excel workbooks & other tools. All totally free and available to everyone in the industry. Because we like to see others thrive!
Evaluate your current situation. Lambing, Joining & Feeding
Evaluate previous lamb sales & Forecast future sales.
Step 1. Collect all the information listed on the PDF worksheet.
Step 2. Add your data in the pre formulated excel workbook for a super easy calculation of margins per lamb sold.
Step 3. Use the second tab in the workbook to forecast future sales with adjustable prices & carcase weight.
Ram select guide
We have developed a quiz that will help you define what type of ram is most suited to your operation. By answering a few simple questions we can narrow down what ASBV’s you need to focus on when selecting rams.