We are no Jack of all trades, we are the experts in one.


Multiplying the Top 1%

Using the lambplan benchmarking system, our mission is to breed from the top 1% performing genetics in the traits we find relevant for the commercial sucker lamb grower.

Early growth patterns - WWT, PWT
Shape & Finish - PEMD & PFAT
Lamb survival - BWT

Our sire battery is only as strong as its weakest link, therefore we aim to have ALL sires pull their weight and be used with intention. If there are better genetics out there and we have the ability to secure them, you bet we will go and bring them home.

Comprehensive DNA Testing

In 2021 we made the decision to fully DNA test our entire flock.

The decision has opened up flexibility in our management, guarantees the pedigree of each sheep in the flock, maps our entire flocks genetic trends with excellent accuracy and increases the accuracy of the sires used within the flock.

Although you don’t need a DNA test to receive ASBV’s, we feel it is our duty to go beyond the minimum requirements and use all tools available to produce the most accurate data possible.

Reduced Genetic Variability with our Sire Groups

If we could, we would clone rams to ensure lesser genetic variance in the final product.

Why? Because on sale day, we want to make it as easy as possible for you to pick out a team of rams that are as similar as possible both in their in data set, and in physical shape.

Why? because narrowing down the genetic variance in your drop of lambs is a good thing - the lambs will express similar growth patterns, finish with similar shape and return similar yields. All this is appreciated by the buyer and makes it easier for you to manage the lambs and sell to a grid.

For us stud breeding comes down to two things:

Identifying and multiplying those genetics that drive profit at the highest possible rate in the form of feed conversion – grass to meat.

We use ASBV’s to benchmark our own genetics and to identify the best performing genetics available around that will drive profit for our clients.

We are fully committed to DNA testing all sheep within the stud. This guarantees the pedigree and gives us the highest accuracy possible on sale rams.


Raise a highly efficient working ram in a way that maximises his ability to cover ewes and ensure longevity for maximum return on investment for our clients.

Our rams are raised as naturally as possible with their fitness and longevity as a number one priority. They run in one mob on a fully rotating pasture system. Supplementary feed is limited to late summer/autumn if pastures can’t provide sufficient protein & energy.


We have invested heavily in the foundations and the infrastructure around our stud to ensure sheep health, data accuracy and longevity of the stud.

We see ourselves as a link in the chain of our client’s prime lamb enterprise; A reliable partner that works closely with each client and can deliver a product that will increase the potential profit in the business.